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The Web Free Counters and Trackers

Web statistics are a powerful tool that allow you to target your audience, see who is hitting which page, where they are coming from, and how long they are staying. Web trackers and counters allow you to monitor and maintain a competitive site.

Statistical Tackers

free web stats - hits, visitors, referring URLs, search engines, keywords used to find your site, web browsers, operating systems, screen resolution, screen color depth, countries, domains, organizations, service providers.

WebStat.Com - Tells you referring visitors, pageviews, visits and more. Tracks IP numbers, software, platforms >and other details of visitors to your site. Over 100 detailed statistics and reports. Tracker- The Smart Referrer generates various detailed reports on your referrers. The reports generated include a Brief Report, Today's Report, General Report, No Hits Report, Display of monitored and archived pages.
Other features include: Administration panel, data  stored in a SQL Server or Access database. Your server should run ASP pages and you should be able to upload an Access Database file (.mdb file) or you should have access to a SQL Server Database.

Sitetracker - The total package provides visiting Hosts, Countries, and IP Addresses, along with Screen Resolutions, Screen Colors,Hourly Traffic Graph, Stats Based On YOUR Timezone, Search Engine Breakdown, Javascript Compatibility Breakdown, Tracks Most Popular Hour/Day of Week, Graphical Counters, Referring Web Pages/ URLs, Average Load Time Of Site, Average Time User Stays At Site, Keeps Stats for 7 Days, Graphical Browser Breakdown, Graphical Operating System Breakdown, and Tracks Total Hits/Visitors by Day or Month .

Extreame-dm Tracker - These stats may be viewed by your views and provides a good over view of your sites stats such as monthly uniques with their url and their operating system, along with graphical aids of information such as which days of the week recieve the most hits. All of the basic statisical needs are here.

Freestats - Provides information on Hosts, Countries, IP Addresses, Screen Resolutions, Screen Colors, Hourly Traffic Graph, Stats in YOUR Timezone, Search Engine Breakdown, Javascript Compatibility, Most Popular Day of Week, Graphical Counters, Referring Web Pages/URLs, Average Load Time Of Site, Average Visit Length, Graphical Browser Breakdown, Operating Systems and Total Visitors by Day/Month .

Stattrack - Provides information on Real-Time Stats Reporting, Password protected or public stats available, Visitors for Past 30 Days, Visitors for Last 8 weeks, Visitors by Hour of Day, Visitors by Day of Week, Last 20 Visitors; date, time, and IP Address, Top 20 Referrers, Last 20 Referrers, Screen Dimensions, Browsers, Color Depth, Javascript Status, and Domains.

Sitemeter - This is a simple tracker if your looking for a few stats and a counter then this is a good service. Click Here to view a sample.

Gumball-Tracker - Provides total uniques, which paths your visitors are taking to navigate through your site, the average time spent, the most populare pages, and which search engins and keywords that were used to get there.

The Counter - Another free tracker that provide the information on who visits your page as well as which days and hours are hit the most. You have a choice of three small linkbacks. This Site also provides a Global Statistics page that list thousands of sites and ranks them by the number of hits recieved. . Click Here to view a sample.

Webstat - Provides Real-time statistics, Visitors per day stats, Monthly, weekly hits, Screen resolutions, colors, Password protected stats, Last 50 reffering webpages, domains, Top 25 reffering webpages, Visitors per country, Browser and operating system tracking, Search engines and search keywords . Click Here to view a sample.

Numerical Counters

Free Web Counter - Get a free ad-free counter. This counter is inserted into your site as plain text (it isn't even a link), so 
you have unlimited freedom of design. Since the counter is
inserted as plain text, it will load faster.

Link Exchange - A small simple professional looking digital numerical counter from those at Microsoft.

Website-Designs - This site offers 10 different counter designs among other web servies.

Freecounter - This is a very simple, advertisment free and logo free numerical counter.

Beseen - These are some more simple counters visible on your page to all visitiors with the beseen text attached to the counter.


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